About us

We believe in a future where everyone is valued and appreciated as an individual. A world where we all get the support we need to thrive, in our communities, our workplaces and our personal lives.

We’re an experienced international team, working collaboratively to embed person-centred practices in the heart of teams and organisations.

As a social enterprise, we’re dedicated to change that helps people support and collaborate with each other, and create better lives together. This also means that we reinvest our profits into charities through the HSA Foundation, and in this way our customers are helping to spread person-centred practices even further through the organisations we support.

We value creativity, thinking, learning and authenticity, and seek to bring these qualities into everything we do.


“Whatever we’re doing, we work hard to understand what you want to change and what your learning needs are, and to design a programme with you that’s tailored to achieving your objectives.”

Helen Sanderson, CEO


We find creative, fresh ways to engage people and reflect different learning styles and preferences.

We’re committed to continual learning, sharing what we learn and always working to improve what we do.


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Reading room

Our learning about creating person-centred change.


How can we help you?

Passionate about personalisation, choice and control in practice.


One-page profiles

Personalisation begins with a one-page profile.
